"Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."-3 Nephi 12:14-16

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hello family dear. I love you all so much! I really hope you know
that. I pray for each of you all the time and I love reading the
emails and hearing about all the wonderful things you are doing.

Please let Brittney and her family know I love them and am praying for
them in this difficult time. Thank goodness for the gospel in our
lives and the knowledge we have of the plan of salvation-that life
goes on after this. Our whole purpose here is to prepare for the next
life. Still, the death of a loved one is hard. Brittney I love you!
You will be in my prayers.

Congrats to Laura and Clara! Send them and the new baby my love. Our
family certainly is growing. Thanks Julia for your email, you always
make me laugh. I can't believe it's almost time for the baby!!!! So
crazy!! I can't wait to see pictures.

So as a preface to this email I just have to say that this past week
has been filled with more miracles that I can ever even do justice to
in writing. Seriously, every night this week Zuster Fritz and I have
sat down and just laughed asking, how can we possibly write about all
of this in our journals? The Lord has been pouring out His miracles
this week. I have a very strong testimony that miracles are real
things. If we have the faith, God has the power and he will use us to
make things happen! Haha so on that note let me begin.

Zuster Fritz and I have chosen our theme for this transfer to be
“More.” I think this may have something to do with the fact that our
favorite EFY CD is “A More Excellent Way.” But our goal is to give
more in everything. More love, more service, more diligence, one more
door, just more everything. We dedicated ourselves to it this week,
and tjonge jonge has the Lord been giving more in return.

I'll start with Tuesday. Haha besides the biggest miracle day of the
week, Tuesday gets the award for the funniest day of the week. So we
had a little bit of extra time before our district meeting so we
decided to go and knock a few doors in the neighborhood by the church.
It was a nice day and Zuster Fritz and I were laughing and talking
between doors. As we were walking up to this one door, I told her a
joke, and I told the punch line just as we rung the bell. Zuster
Fritz starts laughing really hard and accidentally snorts! Haha the
thing is she did this as the woman opened the door. And instead of
being able to say anything we both bust up laughing! Haha and we
couldn't stop! I tried to struggle out the words “We're missionaries”
or something but I couldn't stop laughing. The woman just looked at
us and then she started kind of laughing. Finally I explained that I
had just told a joke; she said don't worry, she thought it was funny.
We told her about the Book of Mormon and she said maybe her uncle
would be interested, so it ended up working out. Oh goodness though
was it funny.

Ok so on to the miracles. Tuesday after district meeting we got a
call from one of our investigators Adella asking if she could push her
appointment back later. We said that was fine, we could just switch
our dinner time with her appointment time. So we go to head home.
Tram 6 is the one the takes us home. We went to catch it but missed
it by literally 3 seconds. But it wasn't a big deal, we decided we
could just make phone calls while we waited for the next tram. So I
took the phone out of my pocket, but it said “SIM card rejected.”
What?? So random… our phone just broke. Not good for a missionary.
So we think, ok we can just go to a member’s home use their phone and
call the Elders. All of a sudden, I looked up and Tram 3 was in front
of us. Tram 3. On the 6 line. That doesn't happen. It stopped
right in front of us and we didn't even flag it down, something that
also doesn't happen. I speak from having missed many trams not
flagging them down. We jumped on it and it was completely empty;
something that also doesn't happen. I figured ok this is weird but
fine, we'll just take it to Central Station then home. But then it
took this random turn and went off in the wrong direction. We had no
idea what was going on. And then all of a sudden Zuster Fritz said,
“Hey this is the street where a former investigator lives. We have
wanted to look them up. We have to get off; this is a sign.” So we
jumped off the train, and you really could feel a miracle in the air.
We saw the door and headed purposefully to it. And then all of a
sudden this man pops out of this house in front of us. He looks at
us and asks if we speak Dutch. We tell him we can and he says, “I
need to know who you are and what you teach.” Oh my goodness! Long
story short -- we talk with him for a long time, his 3 daughters come
out, and THEY ask US to come back on Saturday to teach them. Talk
about a miracle! More happened but I have to get on to the next one.
I'm so excited for this family though; they are so open.

Thursday is the other miracle I wanted to tell you about. The night
before we had prayed and felt good about doing a consecrated hour
using surveys in Central Station. So we went to Central Station, and
all at once we both got a really weird feeling. It was like an
absence of the Spirit almost. We knew we were not supposed to be
there. So we said a prayer and looked again at our map. The Grote
Markt seemed to be glowing. It was so cool. Now usually we wouldn't
go there to do finding because it's mostly just tourists. But, you
can't deny the Spirit. So we went, and weird of all weird things,
there was hardly anyone there. We stood with this stupor of thought
not knowing what to do when suddenly we both got the idea: SING. So
we pull out some Dutch hymns we had with us and started to sing. And
then (this is SO COOL) different groups, both with about 20 people, of
German tourists came and started to listen to us. I have never been
so nervous. I was singing the melody and Zuster Fritz harmony. We
sang “Gij zijt grote” (“How Great Thou Art”) and a bunch of others.
Afterward we talked to them, Zuster Fritz happens to be a German
major, and gave them pass along cards. They all said they knew the
Church and were so touched they wanted to learn more. We made a few
old ladies cry. IT WAS AWESOME; more powerful than I can put into
words. You are welcome German missionaries haha. So now we sing all
the time. It's so great.

Helaas -- is that all the time I have?!? I love you, I love the
gospel. I love miracles, and I LOVE MY MISSION.

Oh and Mom, I talked to President Brubaker and he wants me to get my
flute. Is there any way you could send it? Maybe in a flat rate box?
There are a few other things I need, so you could just put them all
in there? I'll put more in the email next week about it. Oh, and
could you send me some of the girls’ addresses; I want to write them
but I don't know where they are. Maybe Facebook Hannah and ask her?
Thanks you're the best!

Tot ziens,

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